Add Pronunciation Guide

Before adding pronunciation guides to your flashcards, you need to configure HyperTTS with your OpenAI API key. This is a one-time setup that you only need to do once. Follow these initial setup steps:

  1. In Anki, go to Tools, then select HyperTTS: Services Configuration.
  2. In the Services section, scroll down to find the OpenAI panel.
  3. Check the Enable checkbox next to OpenAI.
  4. Enter your OpenAI API key in the api_key field.
  5. Click Save to confirm these settings.
  6. Close Anki completely and reopen it to ensure the changes take effect.

Now that HyperTTS is configured, follow these steps to add pronunciation guides to your flashcards:

  1. On the Anki home screen, click on Browse to open the card browser.

  2. Select the cards to which you want to add audio. You can select multiple cards at once.

  3. In the top menu, click on HyperTTS, then select Add Audio (Collection)….

  4. In the HyperTTS window that opens, configure the following settings:

    a. In the Source tab:

    • For Source Mode, choose simple.
    • Under Source Configuration, select Selection for the Source Field.

    b. In the Target tab:

    • For Target Field, choose Selection.
    • For Text and Sound Tag Handling, select Text and Sound Tag to ensure the selected term remains visible on the card.

    c. In the Voice Selection tab:

    • Set the Language to match the language of your selected term.
    • For Locale, select the specific region that corresponds to the accent you want to learn.
    • For Service, select OpenAI.
    • Choose the desired Gender for the voice.
    • Select a specific voice from the dropdown list below the Gender option.
    • Leave other parameters at their default values.
  5. After configuring these settings, click on Apply To Notes at the bottom right of the window.

Important Note: Remember that you will need to repeat the process of adding audio for new cards you generate. To save time, you can add audio to multiple cards at once by selecting them in the card browser before starting this process.

Congratulations! You have now added pronunciation guides to your AnkiLingoFlash cards. You can review your cards with the new audio feature, or continue to add more flashcards to your collection.